Snow Days, Pastries and a Snippet

It looks pretty, but driving in this weather is the worst. Blizzard conditions and icy roads mean travelling at 40 km/h and white-knuckling it.

It’s a weird winter. One day the sky will dump 20 cm of snow all at once. Two days later the snow melts and then stays mild for days/weeks until the next dumping. I’ve never seen the grass in January until this year. Not even when we’ve had green Christmases. The snow always comes, the temperature drops and we don’t see the grass again until March. This year is weird.

Because we were sick for two weeks in mid-December, I didn’t get any Christmas baking done, despite having bought all the supplies. It was a little sad to not have a cookie tray this year, but we survived without it. My mom brought loads of desserts, so there was plenty of sweets.

And now I have supplies for baking on snowy days, like these cranberry goat cheese in phyllo pastry triangles, and these homemade spinach and feta pastries. Did I mention I love pastries?

What’s your favourite pastry? Sweet or savoury? Let me know in the comments!

From Book 3 (in progress):

Marcus went to the 'staff only' door. "This will lead us backstage where we can take them by surprise."

"How do you know?" Leesa asked.

He shrugged. "I was in some plays when I was in high school."

"You? A theatre kid?" Leesa seemed surprised. 

I didn't find it all that surprising. He could be quite dramatic. 

"Yeah. What of it?"

Leesa lifted a shoulder. "Guess I figured you for the type to cut class so he can go home and polish his guns."

Marcus grinned. "I did that, too."


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